What is the Science of Pedophilia? ▶16:15
Paedophilia: What we know and what we don’t know about it - Professor Gwen Adshead ▶3:20
Paedophilia: What we know and what we don’t know about it - Professor Gwen Adshead ▶3:45
Scientist says research proves paedophiles are born, not made | 60 Minutes Australia ▶51:39
Scientist says research proves paedophiles are born, not made | 60 Minutes Australia ▶4:34
THIS is what Pedophilia does to children !!! ▶50:07
Understanding Pedophilia ▶8:03
Pedophiles Near Me: Do They Have to Be Disclosed? (Full Documentary *TW*) ▶26:45
Pedophiles Near Me: Do They Have to Be Disclosed? (Full Documentary *TW*) ▶3:57
The Men Who Call Themselves Non-Offending Pedophiles ▶1:34
Pedophilia: Recent and emerging research ▶4:36
Centre international de criminologie comparée CICC ▶2:36
Defining 'Pedophilia' | Craig Harper Psychology ▶21:54
Are paedophiles' brains wired differently? ▶2:20
Forty-six children allegedly abused in online peadophile network, police say | ABC News ▶40:23
Forty-six children allegedly abused in online peadophile network, police say | ABC News ▶5:00
Dangerous pedophile committed indefinitely ▶23:40
Sue Black Catches Paedophiles by Looking at the Marks on Their Hands ▶1:36
Sue Black Catches Paedophiles by Looking at the Marks on Their Hands ▶11:22
Video: Inside the mind of a pedophile ▶41:31
Episode 222: Number of Female Pedophiles DOUBLES In Four Years ▶3:31
Dangerous Pedophiles | Asia's Underworld | Full Episode ▶24:21
Wikihow to Identify a Pedophile ▶1:40
Was My Dad A Paedophile? - BBC News ▶43:56
Pedophilia ▶5:38
Pedophilia - Paraphilia that involves an abnormal interest in children ▶0:59
2010: 'Pedophile guide' author arrested ▶4:19
Chatting with a Virtuous Pedophile ▶0:41
'Paedophile hunter' evidence used to charge 150 suspects ▶8:24
I, Pedophile (2016) | presented by CBC ▶10:28
'The Five' torch USA Today for 'normalizing' pedophilia ▶0:45
Who is a pedophile? who is an abuser? Story time ▶5:13
NYT: YouTube algorithm recommends videos of kids to pedophiles ▶3:24
NYT: YouTube algorithm recommends videos of kids to pedophiles ▶8:38
Kids Meet Convicted Pedophiles | Cut ▶8:57
Defining :Pedophile Part 2 of 3 ▶15:11
PSA on Pedophilia ▶8:20
Treating Pedophiles and Child Molesters ▶19:03
“People Assume All Pedophiles Are Monsters.” ▶5:39
仲間や家族は虐殺された 14歳で性奴隷に・洗脳され少年戦闘員に…「イスラム国」ISの暴虐、少数派ヤジディ教徒の悲劇 ▶7:41
仲間や家族は虐殺された 14歳で性奴隷に・洗脳され少年戦闘員に…「イスラム国」ISの暴虐、少数派ヤジディ教徒の悲劇 ▶13:35
✨ The dark side of kawaii - Pedophiles in Japan 日本では小児性愛 - LylesBrother ▶3:26
✨ The dark side of kawaii - Pedophiles in Japan 日本では小児性愛 - LylesBrother ▶13:43
Pedophiles And YOUR Children On You Tube ▶0:07
児童ポルノの罪は重い?軽い? 傍聴小景*7 ▶0:16
Tracking Suspected American Pedophile ▶10:30
Pedophilia ▶1:56
U.S. teacher raped more than 60 Japanese children."the girl begged me to do it"ペド外人 ▶6:05
U.S. teacher raped more than 60 Japanese children."the girl begged me to do it"ペド外人 ▶5:36
The Pedophile Hunters ▶5:54
How Instagram’s Algorithm Connects and Promotes Pedophile Network ▶
How Instagram’s Algorithm Connects and Promotes Pedophile Network ▶
Pedophilia: The New Frontier For "Entertainers" ▶
Tucker: Pedophiles let out of jail after just a few months ▶
Pedophilia in our community ▶
Pedophiles are bad 😎 ▶
16歳少女、男400人にレイプされたと被害訴え インド西部 ▶
pedophile 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 ▶
Japan Life: Catching Pedophiles - Warning: Graphic Content! ▶
おじに10歳でレイプ、その後、家計のために売春 日本で誰も報じない宗教の名の下の凶悪性犯罪 映像はインドの「フバッカ・ブマッパ(ビマッパ)」の被害者たち 現在は政府が介入し撲滅 2023年1月24日 ▶
おじに10歳でレイプ、その後、家計のために売春 日本で誰も報じない宗教の名の下の凶悪性犯罪 映像はインドの「フバッカ・ブマッパ(ビマッパ)」の被害者たち 現在は政府が介入し撲滅 2023年1月24日 ▶
性犯罪歴を確認「日本版DBS」 学校など導入を“義務づけ”の一方で不起訴など「前歴」含めず こども家庭庁・有識者会議 ▶
性犯罪歴を確認「日本版DBS」 学校など導入を“義務づけ”の一方で不起訴など「前歴」含めず こども家庭庁・有識者会議 ▶
《今知るべき》ジャニーズ事務所の「暗黒史」ジャニー喜多川氏の少年性虐待が黙殺された理由 ▶
《今知るべき》ジャニーズ事務所の「暗黒史」ジャニー喜多川氏の少年性虐待が黙殺された理由 ▶
世界各国の「いじめ加害生徒」への対応→日本だけゆるすぎるとの声が上がるが話題 ▶
世界各国の「いじめ加害生徒」への対応→日本だけゆるすぎるとの声が上がるが話題 ▶
pedophiles are disgustingly evil ▶



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